mellow wrote:
The Reese is 2.5" class 5. It has double tubing to make it 2.5", looks like I could grind it down as a last resort so it will fit in my 2" class 4 hitch. No one makes a 2" to 2.5" adapter due to legal reasons I am sure, you can find a 2.5" to 2" but not vise versa.
I already have a rack on the front hitch :) It is either that or put a deck on the back.
The only place locally that sold square tubing has shut down, they only sold it in 24 foot lengths anyway and wanted to much, hence why they went out of business. I will see how much it will be on Amazon to get some shipped to me.
You can check McMaster for shorter pieces of tubing. They sell almost everything.