humblerb wrote:
RinconVTR wrote:
humblerb wrote:
Question I have is, if I upgrade the TV to 2500 (3/4 Ton) and look to purchase a trailer that will probably be as much as 8500# - 9500#, does the 3/4 ton remove the white-knuckle experience?
Heck, even with a 3/4 ton, towing a TT that large and will feel the difference immediately.
This is the type response I have been looking for.
You're saying that the tow experience in my 1/2 ton with 7200# (very comfortable) would not be duplicated in a 3/4 ton with 9000#?
The heavier trailer feels different, regardless of the TV.
Do you have experience with both?
Does a "3/4 ton pulling 8500#" experience fall between the "Half Ton pulling 7300#" and the "Half Ton pulling 8500#" experience?
Sure seems like it would, but no experience on my end.
Lots of 3/4 tons pulling these heavier trailers.
Just curious if the 3/4 ton makes the tow experience much better?
Or are those drivers more comfortable towing than I am and I am destined to a half ton, light trailer experience?
My comments may have been taken out of context.
There is no definitive answer to say a 7200lb or 9000lb trailer pulled with either 1/2 ton or 3/4 ton will feel better or worse on the interstate. There are too many variables.
Larger trucks handle more tongue weight but that does not equal stability by default when pulling large travel trailers.
My second comment was regarding towing bumper pull travel trailers with a Hensley WDH. Both 1/2 ton and 3/4 ton trucks will feel incredibly more stable towing travel trailers with this hitch. Almost as if you're towing a 5th wheel.