gorohoff wrote:
We also carry our bikes in front. No problem with adult bikes, but kids bikes with their smaller frame end up having to sit rather high up on our particular bike rack causing me to have a bike seat in front of me.
I do remove the seat from bike that is in line of sight...I have also found pivoting the seats, so the the narrow cross section is line of sight helps.
We have used a front hitch for 10's of thousands of miles. Never had any problem over heating, or with glare/headlights.
I will add; the type of hitch, and the type (s) of bikes, will effect how it all sits. I have played around with which bike to load first, 2nd, etc...so the the "tallest" bikes sits at the lowest spot on the rack.
Once you get it figured out...at least untill someone gets a new bike...it should work out well.
It does take a little getting used to...but both DW and I are quite comfortable with the bikes in front. In fact, I kind of like them where I can see them.
It is very easy to load them on the rack (low lift height), they are out of the way when not being used (don't block the camper door)and if a deer jumps in front of us....shish kabob is all I can say.
Think about it...there is no one answer for all.
I never did like the ladder racks...bikes are too heavy to hang back there IMO...besides...that is where we hang the (lite) lawn chairs!