If you are camping at a hook up site plan on taking a couple of oil-filled electric heaters along with you just in case you lose the propane heater for good...
We use the 20A SOURCE on the camp ground pedestal to run our couple of electric heaters. The 20A circuit doesn't take anything away from the 30A circuit. The propane heater for us is way to loud to live with. Wakes me up everytime it kicks in with the very loud 12VDC Blower fan running...
make sure you have 12VDC power to the heater and thermostat as well... The electric start for the heater requires 12VDC as well as the thermostat...
Since the blower is running that says there is 12VDC to that point for sure...
The propane heaters have a safety sail switch associated with the electric start circuit. This is to turn off the propane in the event your blower quits working. This sometimes gets dirty and doesn't work. Find it and work it back and forth... Squirt some WD40 on it perhaps... Don't let the WD40 get into the propane flame line...
Glad you thought about running the stove top to make sure the propane side is working... Almost has to be 12VDC electrical now at the propane igniter...
Roy Ken