ZRX-Steve wrote:
I started a thread on the Lance Owners site and got the reply that the manufacturer's frequently understate GVWR in order to stay below federal and state regulations for Heavy / Commercial Vehicles. They said if I'm below on my axle ratings and comfortable / feel safe with the handling I'd be ok.
You're absolutely correct. Can't even count how many times I try to educate people it's the axle (or tires, whichever lower) rating that matters.
In just about all commercial vehicles, GVW = front GAWR + rear GAWR. And that is what the DOT looks at. The artificially lower GVWR imposed by OEMs, are due to both power-train warranty issues, and like you mentioned, commercial weight licensing laws.
Just every component on a truck, the axle shafts, diff, brakes, and suspension, is designed around an axle weight spec. Therefore, as long as you don't exceed the axle capacity, you don't exceed the acceleration/braking/weight carrying capacities.