From another website:
"If all the temp. lights are flashing then there is a loss of communication between the circuit board and upper controls... What I would do is go to the back of the fridge and unplug it from the outlet and disconnect the 12 volt supply wires. While it is dis-connected check all the plug ins very carefully, make sure nothing is loose at the circuit board. Hook up the DC supply and plug back in and see if it cleared. IF not then it could be the circuit board and I would have it looked at under warranty, it should have a two year warranty. If you start taking to many items apart you could void that warranty, have seen that happen before. Sometimes the code will reset if you take away the DC power, that is all the fridge needs to turn on"
Try checking connectors. Should reset after power is restored.
Make sure thermistor is clear so air gets around it. Should be mounted to fins if refer portion.