Well my data plate is all messed up and barely readable... but I did find these specs online for an identical model:
Dry Weight 4,490 lbs.
Payload Capacity 2,475 lbs.
GVWR 6,965
lbs.Hitch Weight 440 lbs.
So my payload capacity is going to be GVWR minus the dry weight... The wood I have is old construction wood that was salvaged, cleaned and stored for 20 or so years and the plywood is a new bundle of 3/4". These 2x4's are actually 2 inches by 4 inches... Lets say I hypothetically use that for this. As far as the surface area of the entire floor I will need 81 8 foot pieces. Let's say each piece weighs 15 pounds. That will be 1215. The foam that I intend on removing is lightweight, but weighs something nonetheless. I'm going to make up a number and say 200 pounds. This is STILL going to be almost half of my available payload weight even after calculating the material I am removing.
As of right now it IS NOT structurally sound. The back area was bad enough that I felt like I was going to fall through it.
I'd like to use the materials that are available to me because the wife isn't going to let me spend any money on it for now... However I don't want to go through all the trouble if this floor deal is going to cause a weight problem.
I live in a small agricultural based town so there are scales all over the place I can use. Would it be wise to pull it and drop it on one to see what my dry weight is now with part of the interior being gutted? Should I just hold out until the wife lets me spend a little money on it? At the very least I think the back half of the trailer should be replaced if I have to go the structural foam route...
I had plans on really decking this trailer out and customizing it the way I like it. However I am beginning to see that this weight issue could be a deal-breaker.