Forum Discussion

Joshuak172's avatar
Feb 10, 2014

Help with a new camper purchase!


My wife, our young child, hopefully another child soon, and I are planning on living in a truck camper for about half the week every week for up to the next seven years. It's a long story but I am in the military and we are downsizing as much as possible until I am done with my twenty years.

Having said that, truck campers really appeal to us although we are having trouble finding one that we like. Of course we can find quite a few campers but the interiors are quite different than our taste is. After searching and searching we are about the buy a new lance 1181 and completely overhaul the interior. Our plan is to paint the walls, resurface the cabinets, reupholster the interior, and paint or wrap the exterior. We are a bit frustrated that we couldn't find a manufacturer with more than a few upholstery or exterior paint options and it seems a custom camper manufacturers are non existent.

So, we are looking for a well built and reliable truck camper that is customizable without completely breaking the bank. Our budget is around 50k which is why we have settled on redoing a $30k or so camper to suit or tastes/needs.

I don't want to debate our intention to redo the interior other than we want to live in something that fits or tastes especially if we will be spending so much time in it for the next seven years. Does anyone knw of any manufacturers which are more customizable and who also manufacture a solid shell? Are we picking the best base to start off with, with the lance 1181?

I appreciate the wealth of knowledge on this site and others and we look forward to your responses.
  • Why not do all this to a used TC? Otherwise your going to destroy the value of the new one. Because while you think you'll have it for the foreseeable future, there will be a day when you want to sell it.
  • Interesting plan! This is going to be tough. Is your budget of $50k for the TC and truck or just the TC plus remodel? Anyway, I don't think you're going to find a camper manufacturer that will meet your objectives without paying significantly more than the off-the-line models. And it sounds like your seven year plan will cause you to be looking for a TC with at least one slide out if not more. Slides and solid shells are not common. Not helping you much but I'll be interested to see how this goes so keep posting.
    Best wishes!

    And there is a custom camper builder here in Alaska but I don't think he builds anything on the scale of an 1181. I suppose you could ask. PM me if you want contact info.