Forum Discussion

thurat2099's avatar
Jan 06, 2019

Help with a salvage title situation

I'm new to this forum but I do need some help.

So, I found an RV for sale for next to nothing on the website Camping World. It was in their Georgetown, KY which is an hour from me.

I knew it was damaged and rated as "B2" but they didn't tell me more. I bought it because it had an awning that would fit mine but also because my father is a Master Carpenter with a lot of RV experience (he use to own an RV park)and he wanted it for a project.

So, after negotiation, I ended up buying it for just the store fees ($552!!!! That is a lot of fees) because it's floor had extensive water damage causing the inside of the camper to have to be stripped, the floor removed and a new one installed then everything reinstalled.

It is a big job, but Dad has the tools, the skills, and the ability to do it.

The thing towed great, so mechanically it is fine. Even the breaks worked great on it.

The issue is that they didn't tell me that it has a salvage title and I didn't know that until it arrived in the mail yesterday.

I live in Indiana and the title is Kentucky and now I have to deal with this salvage title situation that was unexpected.

I'm a little upset that Camping world didn't disclose that fact to me but I'm sure they will say that as I bought it AS IS that includes that fact but I'm still very disappointed in that and may not buy from them again. At that I might just have to add that to my review on google of the transaction.

More important is I don't know if we can get the "salvage" removed from the title legally. This really will affect the resale value of the unit. Not that Dad plans to resale it at this point, but I want him to keep the option available and if he does resale it I want him to get the best price he can on it.

So can anyone advise me as to my options here?

  • Saaaay what?
    You bought a camper for dirt cheap and now you're worried about resale value and the title status?
    Classic rvnet night!
  • Every State has different vehicle Title Laws. If you are close to a rural area, seek the advice of a Registrar in that type of area. They will typically register and exchange titles with more leniency than their urban counterparts.

    In my State, depending on vehicle type, Title status, what you do to repair said vehicle (or trailer), it's possible to register under a different classification like "Home made". The State used to require pictures and an inventory of parts but that isn't needed anymore for lightweight trailers. Licensing remains the same but personal small trailers in MN can fall under the "Lifetime" Provisions, a better deal. All my trailers are now licensed as RV's, boat, or utility use.
  • California motor vehicle codes are among the strictest in the country and you just can't get a salvage title changed unless you can prove the repair estimate was too high or the resale value used was too low. Even if you or your father has to keep the trailer you may not lose money on the deal, it depends on how much it cost to repair.

    My daughter was involved in an accident here in California and the other drivers insurance company called her van a total, she had an apprentice mechanic do the mechanical repairs and replace the body parts. Neither the headlight assembly nor the fender were available for sale, so aftermarket parts can be used here. All she was required to do was present her van for CHP inspection and certification and show the CHP Officer the bills for the parts.

    Both of these examples show one thing, don't ask for legal advice from a layman, call the State or an attorney.
  • azrving wrote:
    Well that was very sneaky of them.

    Unethical too. I'd think you'd have some legal recourse against them.
    I believe it's against DMV or dealers regulations / state laws, etc to sell a vehicle (RV, etc) that has a salvage title that isn't revealed to the buyer.

    Once it's a salvage (branded) title, the "title brand" can't be removed.
  • In some places you can get it changed to "rebuilt salvage" but that's it.
    Making it normal again would be fraud or more specifically, Title Laundering.

    Since the floor is put down first and the walls mounted on top of it, I would sell the good parts and maybe even strip it down to the raw frame and sell that too.
  • In my limited experience in this area, I think the following is true:

    The salvage title cannot be removed. Repairs to any drive train, brakes, lighting, safety equipment, etc. requires replacements with ONLY original equpment as installed by the manufactureer. Aftermarket parts not allowed, EVEN IF THEY ARE SUPERIOR.

    There will be required extensive inspections regarding the above.

    Good luck with all of your project. If and when you sell it, you are required to stipulate that it has a salvage title.

    The initail reason for salvage title WAS because the value of the vehicle was that repairs costs were more than the blue book value of the vehicle.