Rob, welcome to the forum first of all. Enough people are helping you on your towing question so I'll leave that alone...but something in your 2nd post on this thread caught my eye. You noted that the dealer "threw in" a WDH and sway controller.
Might I ask the brand on it? I only ask because way back when we bought our very first TT off a dealer, I had them "throw in" the WDH and the sway controller. It was a Reese brand with the chainlink WDH setup and a friction type sway controller. Now, at the time I thought that was OK because being new to the whole RV scene I didn't know any better.
Fast forward a few years later when I found this site and started reading and really learning. Well, let's just say the Reese was a decent WDH/Sway control hitch but there are ones MUCH better out there. Given that you're going to be close on your setup you might want to consider purchasing a better WDH/sway system.
You have good ones that are around the $500-600 range with the Equalizer Brand (which I have used for 6-7 years now) and the Reese Dual Cam. Both are good units that work well. Depending on what you want to do and your pocketbook there are the REAL GOOD setups that cost a couple grand or so in the ProPride and Hensley Arrow, and also the PullRite.
Just an FYI, I wish I had found out about these hitches when I first bought our TT, because anything a dealer just "throws in" will invariably be the cheapest one they have.