Forum Discussion

JCR-1's avatar
Dec 30, 2019

Help with towing math and trailer /vehicle specs

I have a 2018 GMC sierra 6 sp 3.43 rear 5.3 engine 2 wh drive. I cannot find the GCWR on this truck but I am contemplating a trailer with following specs -
GVWR 5692, Cargo cap 1580, UVW 4112, Hitch 412. The truck factory curb wt is 5300 lbs. I will have one passenger and one driver both around 200 lbs. ea and about 200 lbs in the bed. Will this truck handle this trailer?? Thanks and appreciate your assistance.
  • Yup, you'll be fine. I have a heavier truck with the same engine and gearing and a trailer near the same weight (3,600 loaded) and we had 5 in the truck and were a few pounds over the rear axle and under the GVWR and way, way under the GCWR.