We havent taken delivery of the trailer yet. We opted to swap out the jacknife sofa for an actual sofa that pulls out into a bed. Its name escapes me right now. That may take a couple weeks.
The dry tongue weight of the trailer is 680 or so pounds. UVW is just over 7000 and GVW is right around 8600. So I know I'm not taxing the truck with weight, its the sway I want to control. I'm pretty good at weight distribution and I have a "weigh safe" insert I can use to measure tongue weight based on various loading configurations.
Im still leaning towards the Hensley mainly because I can pick it up local. I'm only about 1 hour from their office. I did call them today to inquire on price and availability and was offered $200 off a display they have been using in their office. They do now also have a model that uses chains rather than the jacks to adjust spring bar tension. Terry told me its because of the "V" nose trailers that are starting to hit the market.