If you are not looking for a large one, consider Oliver, with double wall molded shell.
A couple manufacturers of high-end ($100,000+) custom-built fivers used to build large TTs with equivalent construction, and may yet do so on order. I think Excel is still in this business.
If you consider Keystone's Cougar line to be high end, you will find their Cougar TTs to be equivalent, with Laredo a step up in trim with similar construction. Neither is high end for Keystone, their high end fivers are Alpine, Montana and Big Sky brands, and Keystone makes no equivalent TTs.
With respect to price, high end for TTs in a range of sizes would be Airstream, which use very expensive construction methods borrowed from 1930's aircraft technology, but I have a hard time convincing myself that this is superior to the composite molded shell construction borrowed from post WW2 boat building industry and now used extensively to build modern aircraft, with updated materials in the composites.