Forum Discussion

harry_and_thea's avatar
Feb 05, 2016

hill descent control f250

Should have my new f250 powerstroke diesel by the middle of next week. Bought this truck sight unseen. Just some questions about towing on grades.
My former truck was 2009 duramax/allison. Loved it.
The following features are what I loved about the duramax when pulling my fifth wheel and am wondering if the powerstoke has the same features?
1. in tow haul mode the engine would kind of gear down by itself when coming to a stop
2. a button on the shift lever allowed me to shift up or down at will
3. in cruise control, the engine and transmission would hold the truck at the set speed on downhill grades

This truck also comes with a feature called "hill descent control" Is this used only at slow speeds in the back country or this also of use on the interstate with significant grades?

Last question. It also comes with electronic locking axle. Does this lock out the rear differential? How do you activate it? Is this useful only when stuck in mud and snow or is it for driving on slippery roads as well.
  • the locking rear differential is turned on/off with a dashboard switch.. only works under 20 mph. great in grass and new blacktop. :)

    hill descent uses the anti-lock braking system. forward or backward.. from a stand still. does NOT turn OFF. my understanding.

    I am sure you will love the truck. Have Fun Driving.

    and the tow/haul is great towing Heavy. upshift later, downshift sooner.. and you can lockout upper gears.. on the fly..

    and going down long grades.. Appling and releasing the brake petal.. and reapplying the brake will automatically down shift 1 gear. Computer controlled.

    my truck 2012, did not have hill descent...not available.. but does have all the other stuff.
  • Thanks
    That is the answer I expected but I wasn't sure. Will be using the first 3 features a lot but will probably never need the last two.
  • Yes to the 3 numbered items.
    The hill decent is a rock crawing feature.
    The electronic axle, locks both rear axles together for mud holes and the like.