Forum Discussion

GWolfe's avatar
Sep 05, 2014

Hitch Extension, Am I Crazy

I posted here because y'all have the most experience towing with these.

I have an 04 Silverado 1500, I am in the process of buying a new ATV that will not fit in the bed of my truck without leaving the tailgate down. I want to use an extension in my receiver to pull my small TT with the ATV in the bed, something in the 12" range. My TT has a tongue weight of around 400 lbs depending upon how much water I'm carrying. The first thing I am going to do is replace the factory hitch with something more substantial, a place here in town has a class 5 hitch with a 2" receiver with a tongue weight rating of 1600 lbs. If I understand correctly you cut the tongue weight in half when using an extension so that would leave me with an 800 lb tongue weight rating, more than enough.

With the ATV and the tongue weight of the trailer and me and the few things I would carry in the truck I am within 100 lbs of my max payload.

So am I crazy to think I can do this?

I have been thinking about airbags or Timbrens to help keep things level also.

Toughts or comments, or just tell me to go back to the TT section.
  • I think that the place you are getting the Class V from could advise you much better than we can without seeing your set-up. A short extension will decrease the overall numbers that you can tow, but not that much when considering the hitch. NOW the real question is the truck up to what you plan? There are loads of folks on here that can address that with far more understanding than I have. GOOD LUCK!!!
    BTW, I don't mind you sneaking over to the TC side, I just wouldn't let your TT pals know what you did! :>)
  • When I put my four whlr in my truck, I have to leave the tailgate down because I have a 100 gal fuel tank in the front of the bed. The whlr tires are totally within the bed by a few inches, but the tail gate has to stay down due to the muffler extending beyond the tires. If I tow a trailer, I remove the tailgate and make sure the whlr is secured with several ratchet straps. Can you do the same? That would beat using the extension, but I'd get eh class 5 receiver anyways.
