Is this hitch yours or just a photo you found?
Looks like a class III hitch from the chain loops, but hard to tell. How does it hold up?
This is my hitch that came with the DRW truck...As for what class is it,the guy before me painted the undercarriage, and the hitch he should have taped off,so I took it to our local welder that welds all the Ranch and Logging equipment for his opinion on the hitch strength/class..I'm good to go for hauling tractors and backhoes around with that hitch..Good enough for me...
How does it hold up,I haven't hauled anything really heavy using the extra tube and don't plan too,so I just went with a solid bar extension rated for anything I pull..
The guy before me had a big camper on the truck and that is probably why the added tube is there..I have looked closely at the welds on it as did the welder..No signs of any stress anywhere..