Gdetrailer wrote:
While I was researching building one from scratch, I was not worried about RV insurance. Basically in MANY cases, your auto policy covers your trailer as long as it is being towed or if it connected to your vehicle while parked. If your auto insurance doesn't cover while towing you can often get a low cost "rider" to the policy which will cover the towing.
While not in use as long as it is stored on my home property it is covered by my home owners insurance.
The only time it would not be covered by insurance is when it is parked at a campground or any other place disconnected from my vehicle..
Basically it would be considered "self" insured while camping and disconnected from my vehicle. In other words if my trailer were to burn down or be stolen while camping and it was not attached to my vehicle I would get nothing.
Now take into consideration that IF you pay for a RV insurance "policy" you will spend a lot of money over those years of ownership and have a lot of duplication of coverage all in the hopes that you will be covered in the off chance something bad happens while camping and the trailer is not attached to your vehicle.
Say your policy for your trailer is $50 per month, that is $600 per year. Over 10 years that is $6000 paid to some guy who is partying on YOUR money..
I look at it like this.. The money I spent rebuilding my TT is less than the $6K and I have no problems either rebuilding another trailer or building one from scratch if need be.
The only real reason you would ever "need" RV insurance is if you have a loan. That is because the LENDER is taking a risk and they will want paid in full one way or another. Carrying RV insurance past the loan pay off you are paying for duplicate coverage and in most cases you will pay more for the insurance than the trailer is worth..
People put too much faith in buying unneeded "insurance" which often duplicates other insurance you may already have. Ask your agents the right questions and you can often save a bunch of money.
Very astute and well explained :)