It sounds like we camp in the boonies the same way. We even have a battery operated LED lantern that we use on extended trips instead of the camper lights. We can do a week with 2 Group 27's in the summer (no furnace) easily and as much as 3 days with the furnace running at night. If you are willing to run the pickup 1/2 to 1 hour a day and plan on finding hookups every 4 to 5 days I see no reason for the generator. I have an 1800 Homelite that we take but only if it is an extended trip and we are towing a trailer so I can haul it in/on the trailer along with the fuel. We rarely camp with hookups and most of our trips are 3 to 5 days without the generator, without running the pickup every day.
How is that for non-technical---hope it helps.