Huntindog wrote:
The cutting of EU2000 handles is really overblown.
Yes it is possible to do.. But doing so forever marks it as stolen. You can't sell it, as nobody in their right mind would buy it. Couldn't use it, as any officer would easly spot it.
I actually priced a new case once. I figured that with all the cut handled stolen generators out there, that buying one cheap and putting a new case:B on it would be economical.... They are pricey.
Tweekers don't care and will do what ever it takes..
Then there are folks shopping for a "good deal" and if the price is right WILL turn their head and ignore the obvious cut handle..
So don't bet that it will be all that hard to re-sell..
The BEST thing to do is keep it out of sight..
Thats it, if it is not in plain view there is little temptation for the causal thief or even the hard core smash and grab..
Doesn't matter how many fancy locks or chains you put on things, allow it to set out in plain veiw and give 5 seconds of time and it will be gone..
Now days chains and cables are worthless.. with the power of modern cordless grinders chains, locks and wires don't stand much of chance.