josh0939 wrote:
Host told me that adding airbags would be all I need to do for my truck to handle this load.
Josh, whoever told you this was straight-up lying to you!!There are a lot of experienced folks on this board… and I don't think any of them would agree that your 2500HD is a good match for that Aspen TC.
It's not that it
can't be done, but it is going to require a lot more than just adding airbags to make it comfortable and
safe to drive; Tires & wheels (at the very least), a heavier spring-pack and/or overload springs, StableLoads, a larger rear anti-sway bar, shocks, etc.
Keep in mind that airbags, regardless of their '5000 lb. load rating', DO NOT increase GVWR.
BTW, I do think that the Host Aspen is a very very nice truck camper and it has one of the nicest floor-plans I have ever seen!! Congrat's on your purchase.