I do not know why people just do not look at the door sticker. The capacity, GVWR and axle ratings, GCVR are listed there by law. An F-250 series truck, depending on the year and equipment will have a GVWR of around 10000# and a curb weight of about 7000 - 7500# leaving a load capacity of about 2500 to 3000# max. If a Camper weighs 4000# with usual options, then it will weigh at least 5000# wet and ready to camp. Add the weight of people, dogs and all the stuff you carry in the truck and you will find that you will be at least 2000# over weight. But do the math yourself. Mountain roads, crosswinds, pulling a boat,- nope, white knuckle driving is sure not for me. Here's my sticker.