I would be greatly disappointed if we had a month where someone didn't post here that they have a trully great Truck Camper and are putting it on a truck not capable of carrying the weight of the camper. In addition to the springs, shocks one needs to look at the WHOLE truck. That being the brakes, the axle and gearing and whether the transmission will be strong enough for this addtional weight, as well as the front steering components.
When working with Ford engineers and had my race cars wired up and the Eng in the seat next to me monitoring the lap top. We often talked about our tow vehicles. One thing I came away with was that Ford and many others, do not build as much leeway as you would think into their tolerances. From the suspension engineer I worked with, from Ford, he stated it is less than 10%. His comment to me was; "If we buildt it for more, don't you think we go to the mountain and Shout It! Plus our marketing guys would tout it too." Don't believe the old; I know a guy that knew a guy, that told him that there was 30% extra designed into that suspension."
For the OP, welcome to the Forum and you have one exciting Truck Camper and I hope you have years of enjoyment out of it and countless memories. But, promise you won't drive any farther west, than Arkansas with your current setup. Thank you.