Forum Discussion

AmaGoat's avatar
Jan 23, 2021

Host Owners on Colorado Front Range?

Hello. We are planning on purchasing a Host Mammoth in the next couple months but have been unable to see any Host models just to validate this big decision. It seems like Host owners have a great community and we wondered if there is anyone living on the Front Range or who will be traveling through the Front Range in the next few months who would be willing to let us spend about 15 minutes looking at your right? We'd be happy to pay for your time or anything else that would make it worth your while!

It would be great if it was a Mammoth but I think any of the models would help us get a better idea of quality, how things are laid out, etc.
  • If you are looking at Host campers you should also look at Eaglecap. I did my research between Host and Eaglecap five years ago. I purchased the Eaglecap 1165, triple slide. I love it. Over the last five years we have used it a lot with very few issues. Eagle cap now makes a 1200 series that you may want to look at also. Happy hunting.
  • Amagoat, this just occurred to me and sorry for not bringing it up sooner. Truck Camper Adventure is staging a pretty big rally in Quartzite this weekend. It's their second and I had initially signed up thinking we would have taken delivery by then. There are probably 6 Host campers there with the majority being Mammoths.
    Social distancing is required however its a great place to connect with truck campers and owners from all over the states. Last year was an open house of sorts for people interested in other campers. It was planned for this year as well.
  • Hey MikeJinCo - does your Mammoth drop down after the 8’ flat section of the camper? And if so how much? I’m making some changes to my flatbed that will work for my Lance but curious how much drop the mammoth has as someday we might end up with one of them.
  • I have a 2016 Mammoth so surely have been a few upgrades since then. Have to go to Lakewood to pick up and open trailer. Probably middle of next week, Feb17-19 if the storms clear out. PM me with phone
  • April is the start of the following model year - Anything built later will be a 2022 model.
  • Wow, if you wanted to buy a new Host today, you’d have to wait 6 months?
    Demand must be huge for hosts too!
  • You're in that time zone of between model years. An order now ( projecting a 6 month build) would probably see any proposed new changes. We ordered in August for an end of year delivery. It was delayed for a few weeks and we pick it up early Feb.
    Bedlam can confirm the cut-off date for new models.
    We deleted the rear sofa and ordered just the washer/dryer platform with a 110 v floor outlet. We have a resource for furniture and looking to place a recliner and cabinet in that space.
  • Thank you! I can see this forum is going to be an awesome resource!

    As an addendum to my most recent post...we are working with the SLC dealer on our order however they won't have ANY models of Host campers until April. The order time for a new Host is sitting at about 6 months out so if we wait to see one at a dealer, our departure date will be significantly delayed. We are considering a factory tour but, with COVID, we aren't comfortable flying and a road trip from Colorado to Oregon in January/February is complicated by potential bad weather and short driving days (stupid old eyes don't like night driving much anymore)!
  • Have you considered a factory tour? With an appointment you can catch a specific model in various stages of production.
    We went in October and they had a new single 360 AH lithium battery in an office getting ready to test the longevity under various loads and also re-charging.
  • I know there is a dealer in SLC, but not familiar with any ones that are closer. There are manufacturer and owner groups on Facebook for many brands.