Forum Discussion

junmy3's avatar
Mar 03, 2015

Hot Water Heater problem

We have a 2005 Sunline Solaris T2553 with an Atwood hot water heater. It works on both gas and 120V. Last evening we found out that the hot water was not flowing in the camper. However it was the night before. I checked the hot water bypass valve and it was open to allow water into the water heater. Opened up the pressure relief valve on the outside of the camper and there was plenty of hot water in the water heater. Not sure what else to check. Any ideas on what I could check. Thanks
  • junmy3 wrote:
    We have a 2005 Sunline Solaris T2553 with an Atwood hot water heater. It works on both gas and 120V. Last evening we found out that the hot water was not flowing in the camper. However it was the night before. I checked the hot water bypass valve and it was open to allow water into the water heater. Opened up the pressure relief valve on the outside of the camper and there was plenty of hot water in the water heater. Not sure what else to check. Any ideas on what I could check. Thanks
    The supply valve should be "open" and the bypass valve should be closed. If you have no water flowing from fixtures (hot or cold)when selecting "hot", there is a valve failure.
  • I vote check valve also. If you leave the hot off for a few minutes, when you first turn it on do you get a little bit of water then nothing? This is what I had last year when my check valve broke. The valve is basically a flat surface with a stem coming out the bottom. Think of an intake/exhaust valve on a gas engine. There is a spring on the stem and a clip that hold the spring in place. The spring holds the valve closed so water can not feed back into the out port of the water heater. On mine the clip came off, allowing the valve to flow with the water. About 1 inch until it hit the elbow where the hot out line screws to the water heater. At that point it became a plug. Preventing water from flowing out of the water heater.

    Temp fix is to turn of water heater, turn off water, and drain water heater down to below the hot out line. At this point you can take off the hot out line and remove the piece that is stopping things up. Put it back together, fill water heater and return to normal use until you can get the valve replaced.
  • The check value may be stuck. Depending on the type of bypass system you have there could be a check valve on the outlet side of the heater.
  • Check Valve failure on the hot water outlet line from the tank.
  • Is the cold water flowing? Are you in an area that the temps are in the 20s?