Some RV TP does NOT disintegrate as you'd expect. No regs. for RV TP so a manufacturer can say whatever they want. Did the TP sample test in water once and was surprised. One Costco brand disintegrates and one doesn't. There are a few other household brands that disintegrate. Either google this or do your own testing. Most RV labelled ones are okay, but if IIRC, the Thetford TP did not disintegrate. We tested a few brands of the household stuff, found the ones that do disintegrate and kept a piece of the packaging so we'd remember for the next purchase. There's a lot of ways to get ripped off in the RV world, and "RV" TP is one of them - besides paying mafia-inspired prices, it may not even disintegrate at all.
Some say it doesn't matter and that they never have issues with any 'ol brand but I'd rather use one that does disintegrate to give the tank every advantage to clean out easier and to try and reduce false level readings. Just find the ordinary household ones that work.
Scott makes TP that they call "rapid dissolving" and they state it's "Clog Clinic tested and approved", "breaks up to 4 times faster than the leading brand" and "specially made for your RV, boat or septic system". :R
Scott rapid dissolving TP What a bunch of carp... Great way to rapidly empty the $$ in your wallet.
Envirolet makes
Sealand TP that is also rapid dissolving. They claim "It is designed to operate on a minimal amount of water. Tissue will not clog low water systems, unlike household tissues which often contain adhesives that prevent the tissue from breaking apart." Must be good stuff because it's endorsed by Ed Begley, Jr. :R Also in the Scott premium price range.