proxim2020 wrote:
Not necessarily a bad suggestion or odd one really. Well maybe for those who don't travel overseas. There's lots of countries around the the world, even ones highly developed, that toss their TP in the trash. There's even a website (there's a website for everything) that tells you which one do and don't lol. One reason is that the sewage system isn't nearly as evolved as what we have here. Lots of people flushing TP quickly clogs the system. Sometimes the water pressure isn't great enough to handle TP. Sometimes it's just tradition. The restrooms will have a little trash bin with a lid next to the toilet that's meant to handle the TP. You would think that it would be some big foul mess in in the restroom because of that little bin, but you can't really tell anything. You only notice something's amiss when you see the signs warning you to not put anything in the toilet that didn't come out of you lol. Once you get past the initial ick factor, it's actually a pretty good idea especially for RVs.
Also, most other countries use bidets instead of TP. After they've washed, they use a cloth towel that's designed just for that purpose. So TP is more of an English-speaking-world phenomenon.