Forum Discussion

MargaretB's avatar
Oct 12, 2014

Housekeeping details

In preparation for picking up our new TT on Wednesday (we hope) and leaving on our shakedown weekend on Friday, I've been gathering the gear to equip it with - dishes, bedding, etc.

I'm trying to remember from five years ago when we had our RV but I can't. So...

Should I pack Dawn or Camp-Suds? Regular dish-soap or biodegradable camping stuff? I bought the marine TP that dissolves fast - that much I remembered - but can't remember what kind of dish-soap we'll need.

Also, we've lived on septic systems for about 17 years, so I don't use or allow anti-bacterial products at home. But I'm wondering if the same is true when trailering. It doesn't matter in our gray and black tanks, but when it's dumped, it goes into a septic system, doesn't it?

When you get home from a trip and are putting your rig to bed until the next one, do you just hose it down, or do you use a product? If the latter, what do you use? Ours comes with a fiberglass shell and an extra protective fiberglass end-cap. Most of the shell has a super-coating of some sort on it, over and above the usual. Is it appropriate to use Simple Green, full strength or diluted, or is water sufficient, or is there a special product we should buy? (Why do I think the answer is behind Door 3?)

  • Not to rain on your parade but.....When you do your PDI on Wed. be prepared,( in the off chance) that you find some problems- they might not get fixed by Friday shakedown. Just saying.
  • Water is the key...

    High liquid to stuff ratio and no clogging.

    In your house you flush toilet......1 1/2gallons or so push the stuff down a long slightly sloped drain line to septic or sewer.
    No problems...right.

    In your trailer water/stuff fall drop a short distance down a 3" line to tank......then when full that stuff is pushed down/out fairly short 3" line.
    No problem.

    Issues happen when not enough water is used, dumping tanks when liquid level is low or leaving drain valve open and having no liquid just a poop pile.

    Think about it.......then put it out of your mind and go camping.
  • Welcome back. I have been RVing since before the wheel. LOL We have never used tank chemicals of any kind. Nor have we used special paper. No problems ever. We do have a sprinkler type flusher on both black and grey tanks. No special soap either. Now get out there and make some memories. Congrats
  • Take a few sheets of your regular TP and put it in a glass of water, if it dissolves you are OK to use it in your tank. Then make sure that your black tank is at least 3/4 full before dumping to get a good dump which will flush out the TP. I use Dawn, after all that is what they use for oil soaked birds and other wildlife.
  • Margaret...we've heard those same stories about TP, too. HOWEVER, take a square of the special stuff and a square of Northern.....put them in separate bowls of water and time long does it take for each to dissolve???? Yeah....Northern dissolves fast. In our opinion, both of us have RVd for more years than we want to count, it isn't how FAST necessarily that TP gunks up the holding's how MUCH is used. Many people roll out WAY too much TP.. :) :) Just our opinion. :)

    As for your original question: I set aside everything I use at home on the counter starting about a week ahead, then I determine whether I'll REALLY use them on the road. :) The only thing I forgot last time was the wine cork.......which was no problem cuz we bought screw top bottles. :) :) :)

    Happy trails!
  • I'd love to be able to keep it plugged in, but we'll have to store it off-site, either at a friend's or at a commercial storage lot. We're planning to get a cover for it to protect it from rain and snow (we can dream, can't we?) but I'd like to keep up with the routine stuff from the beginning.

    Everyone we've spoken to - and I mean everyone - has told us to use the bio-degradable TP because the regular stuff can harden and gunk up the tank and fittings. So I'm interested that you use regular. Does frequency of use of the rig make a difference in deciding what to use?
  • We use Dawn Dish soap and same TP we use in house.
    Special RV TP is expensive junk and not needed

    We do everything in RV just like we do in real difference between the 2 in my opinion except for the wheels.

    I'll rinse down 5vr when we get back IF it has gotten really dirty or lots of bugs damp dryer sheets work well on front cap to remove bugs)

    I'll dump fresh water tank/water heater.....refill next trip
    Waste tanks..depends. If came home with stuff in them I'll dump at home. Otherwise took care of them prior to coming home

    Our 5vr stays plugged in at home so we don't unpack other than dirty clothes/linens....then they go back in after washing
    Fridge stays on.....milk and ice tea come out otherwise it stays full with normal stuff/freezer gets emptied

    Camping is about enjoyment....not making things complicated.
    Personally I think some Rvrs make it too complicated when it really is simple.