A couple hundred dollars more to buy from a local dealer... that may just be how much in fuel you'd spend anyways to buy from a "better" dealer farther away. Sometimes warranty work can be done by independent repair shops, something to look into.
Friends of ours actually did spend $100 more to buy the same model TT from a different dealer, same travel distance. The reason(s) was that the salespeople at the first dealership were just rude and obnoxious - they may have been trying to be "friendly", but it backfired big time. The dealer they bought from said they hear those stories all the time about the first dealership.
Our "local" dealer is about 40 minutes away. I thought they were great, but I never had any need for warranty or repair work from them. When I switched tow vehicles and removed the brake controller they had installed for me, I found out how jury-rigged it was and was happy I never went back for any service work (TT battery charging connection was never hooked up, wire connections were left bare - no tape or wire nuts, etc).
There is an independent one man repair garage in the next town who is very good and honest.