Always a good idea to keep track of weather info. Not only for freezing conditions but storms in the area etc. There is a free app "Radar Express - NOAA Weather" that gives freeze warnings and other storm warnings. I guess living in rural WY it is so common we think every one keeps close watch on the wx conditions. I have a wx radio in my tractor, in my MH, and in the house. Plus every traveler should be aware of the 511 wx phone # offered by every state in this country.
Now people tell me wind chill only effects people. So tell me why I have to build wind protectors around my heated cattle water tanks? I can tell you it ain't to make the cows happy. It is a fact of life, no matter what the experts say, heated water tanks freeze when the wind is blowing across them. So in WY we build wind protection around our heated water tanks. :B