Forum Discussion

diazr2's avatar
Aug 15, 2016

How common is common.

I have been reading a thread about holding tanks falling out of a rig while traveling down the road.. I have been RVing for over 50 years and had never seen this happen. Or heard about this happening I kept reading the thread and lots of folks said this is a common occurrence ... So how common is this. I live in a tourist town lots and lots of RVs pass by every day. Many more in the summer months but not a day goes by that at least a couple of hundred are in town. I have never seen a tank laying on the ground. Never seen anyone trying to fix a tank laying on the ground. I have seen them fixing bearings on the side of the road passed by many air conditioner cowlings that have flown off. Seen rigs lots of rigs with their hoods up, trying to change serpentine belts and water hoses. Seen tow chains laying on the ground seen all sorts of problems but not a single tank on the ground. So how common? I think it would be great to hear just how many people this has happen to. I am already amazed that in this one thread there are at least four people that said yes indeed it has happen to them. So how many more? Please share your experience with tanks falling out of your rigs. If enough folks tell me it has happen to them I am going to climb under the rig and place some braces up there for sure. It will be fun to see just how common this is and where the heck have I been for the last 50 years???? I would like to keep this contained to people who have seen it happen or has happen to. Because with that latest thread I just read there are now hundreds more people that have heard about it. So only first hand experience.
  • Chuck_thehammer wrote:
    I think its NOT common.. and maybe 1 in a 10,000.. or less.

    I have traveled all over this country . 48 years worth..

    Work, Vacation, motorcycling. never seen a RV tank hanging .. almost everything else.. but not a RV storage tank.

    Back in the Day... metal gas tanks hanging from under cars... YES... many.
    2 thin metal straps hold a metal tank and 25 gallons of gas.. and winter Rust.. and TAR as a Rust retardant.

    Yep me neither :W
  • My brother in-law was filling up the water tank in his motorhome and walked away for a few minutes and eventually forgot all about. Later on he heard a big explosion. The water tank blew up and uplifted the floor in his motorhome.
  • I think its NOT common.. and maybe 1 in a 10,000.. or less.

    I have traveled all over this country . 48 years worth..

    Work, Vacation, motorcycling. never seen a RV tank hanging .. almost everything else.. but not a RV storage tank.

    Back in the Day... metal gas tanks hanging from under cars... YES... many.
    2 thin metal straps hold a metal tank and 25 gallons of gas.. and winter Rust.. and TAR as a Rust retardant.