Forum Discussion

TraciK's avatar
Sep 01, 2013

how do you load this?

I am trying to talk dh into going to look at this TC. Any opinions? We have never owned a TC.

I am not understanding how you get the camper up high enough to get the truck under it? Sorry, if this sounds dumb. But, I don't see jacks. Thanks for all y'alls help!!
  • Well, I put it in the NADA and its only worth about $1395. I did talk to the man and he said he would take $2000 if we came and got it tomorrow. I guess he paid $2500 but they never used it.

    It weighs about 1700 pounds. We have a dodge 3/4 ton truck. Would this be too much weight? Dh thinks over 1500 is too much.

    Thanks again!
  • TraciK,

    Look up Stable Lift. People who have them seem to be very pleased with the system. I hope you are successful in getting dh to look at the camper dw and I have enjoyed ours very much over the years.

  • It has an ez load system

    The steel tubular frame that it is sitting on raises by electric power