Much over reaction here guys.
Newer engines run much hotter than older ones did. My 2014 truck runs 200* to 210* with no load, same with my 2014 Jeep Cherokee. You can't compare old to new. I'd bet the old C----H gauge was somewhere in the middle at those temps.
When to worry is when the temperature keeps climbing to the red zone on the gauge. Engine temp increasing when climbing a grade with a heavy load is NORMAL. It'll cool down on the other side, or the truck's computer will let you know it's getting too hot.
Here's a picture of my temp gauge in my 2007 Cummins diesel after towing my 37' 5er up a very steep grade at slow speeds due to all the switchbacks (Teton Pass). It was a 10% for 5 miles. No coolant lost, no drop in performance, and no warning lights on the dash. Just normal operation for the conditions I was operating in - which were admittedly severe. There's no need to panic.
This would be about 240*F...