Forum Discussion

RoyBell's avatar
Aug 01, 2016

how long is your tear down/setup time?

Looking for ways to improve our setup and take down time. It is roughly an hour for each. I feel like it could be cut down. The most time consuming is getting the inside in working order once we arrive, or putting it away before we leave. any tips/tricks to speed the process?

We have those stackable wire shelves we put on the counter to reduce clutter, but takes time to unload the bins and put it all out once at the CG. We do try and split the chores up. I do all the stuff outside- Power, water, tools, chairs, etc while she gets the inside ready.

I know one would be to bring less stuff! We have a tendency to bring way too much food or snacks and have to move it back and forth. This year I picked up those anderson levelers and they help quite a bit.

I was thinking of making some shelves with backs/bottoms and ditching the wire racks. Then I can transport what I want in the shelves and once at the CG just throw them on the counter and they will have everything already in them.

Looking for ways to transport the grill (charcoal) easier, or just bite the bullet and get a gas grill that folds up that I can just throw into the back of my truck. Charcoal grills just aren't made for easy transport.

Just wondering what tips/tricks people have picked up over the years to make the process easier/quicker.
  • Dang y'all are quick draw mcgraw.

    Im guessing it's probably 45 mins for me. Haven't really timed it. Maybe I will next time. We do have a system, and as most, I do the outside and wife does the inside. Although I unhitch and level before I have her let the slides out and work inside.

    I don't see how I would get it down to 20 mins. But, maybe I'll be surprised when I time it next time Im out.

  • If it is even close to level, it's 15 minutes. If I have to do a little leveling the maybe 30 at the most. Cordless drill really speeds up leveling jacks. I have specific blocks for specific applications with lanyards attached to make pick up easier. Might take 30 minutes to pick up the inside and outside to blast off.
  • We are at full operational status in about 20 to 30 minutes which means beer in hand a burgers on the grill. Everything I add or do is to improve this time which my wife thinks is silly but overtime has been kinda fun for me. I got rid of all the stuff that we don't need (awning lights, charcoal grill, flags, signs, etc.). Everything has to have a space and eaislly packed away. I bought a camp chef gas grill/stove that connects to the gas fittings on the trailer that goes in the front pass through, Anderson levelers this year which was a big time saver. Power drill to raise and lower jacks. Walkie talkies so we can back in and get positioned as quickly as possible. Nothing stored inside that has to be passed to the outside so my wife can do her thing on the inside and I can do mine on the outside. Everything inside needs a spot so it does not have to be moved once there. We used to store stuff in the tub (grill beach toys)which I hated. We don't store anything on counter that does not stay there besides the coffee pot. We were packing up today and I struggled for about 5 minutes to get all the lawn chairs stored and told the wife that I'm replacing them with something smaller that fits better. We were camping with the MIL this weekend and she was impressed with how quick we were able set up and breakdown.