Forum Discussion

1971amerigo's avatar
Jan 16, 2014

How many Amerigo truck campers are there left?

I know the Amerigo owners are aware of other Amerigo truck campers in thier area.
I was just wondering as to the actual number of these campers left around.
If you know of any in your area could you post how many and what part of the country they are in. Sitting in a back yard counts!

I know of 3 others in my home town,and there are 2 others on the beach where I camp on Cape Cod.

That would be 6 for the Southeastern Massachusetts area.


Bob W.

  • There is an RV dealer here in MA that was a distributor for Amerigo.
    Back in the 70's only truck campers were allowed out on the beaches.

    I am 40 miles from the beach and I think that is why ther rae so many around here.
    The amerigo now owned by Huson Valley Rog ( add 1 more) had a Mass. Beach Buggy Assoc. sticker on it