CWSWine wrote:
blt2ski wrote:
That is GM's OFFICIAL position from a warranty position too! LEGAL from a LEO/CVEO is a totally different standard. Legal from a civil court, is also a different standard.
Here is a advertisement from a Lawyer wanting RV accidents that are over the GVWR. so I guess it is the same.
Lawyer that wants RV cases over GVWR
At least here in the NW states, I have yet to run into an LEO or CVEO that looks at tire, axel or spring rates from a legal how much you can weigh standpoint. Most its 20K per axel, with limitations based on tire width, ie min 500lbs per inch width of tire. Or the paid for license amount. I've been weighed multiple time upwards of 150% of door sticker amount, and have yet to get an overweight ticket. That is not to say that said CVEO could not have put me to the side of the road with some other from a weight standpoint, chances of you literally getting a ticket is slim. I doubt the OP is going to have upwards of 9500-10K lbs on his truck axels. Even if he was close to that amount, he would not be in a lot of trouble. WHat would probably screw him up the most, brakes. THAT kind of field failure can cause you to have a major moving violation vs over weigh a non moving following your license ticket. Rig is red tagged and can not move until brakes are fixed on site, ie side of road, or towed/carried off the road to a place that can fix ha-ha the brakes. Being overweight from a true LAW standpoint is nothing to worry about.....its the OTHER things to worry about.
Reality is, the LEO/CVEO has to work with a true black and white rule. The Civil court can work with some gray in the middle. An ambulance chasing attorney ONLY sees GRAY! and the manufacture from a warrenty standpoint also only sees black and white. Their black and white is different than the LEO black and white. At the end of the day, ALL 4 folks, see things differently. Question is, which do you want to worry about the most?