Geo*Boy wrote:
Grit dog wrote:
Geo*Boy wrote:
4x4ord wrote:
^^^^ What does it mean to be able to safely stop a truck and trailer. A Corvette can come to a stop from 60 mph in 90 feet. If I can stop a 100,000 lb legally loaded semi trailer with properly functioning air brakes in 450 feet am I safe? What if I can bring my overloaded 2020 f250 from 60 mph down to zero in 300 feet.... is that safe? What if I'm towing a 1993 5th wheel with a '93 GMC 1 ton and all my weights are within specs and it takes me 400 feet to stop from 60 mph .... am I safe?
When you injure or kill someone, you can ask the court/jury that question.
Good job 4x4ord getting the weight ninnies all riled up!
Love it. Most of the weight "cops" on here are sorta like the most of the protesters out there. They're crying about something, they just don't know what about, but if they whine loud enough they feel better and have some sense of accomplishment that allows them to sleep better at night vs the insomnia caused by not having a real JOB! LOL
Grit, you want an analogy, I think your comment and others like you are more like the cops that do what they want and to hell with doing the right thing.
Rofl. Whatever dude. If you’re so smart tell us why it’s wrong or unsafe to tow 11,900 or whatever the Op said, with that truck. And not the what if’s, but apple to apples, what part of the truck is going to be “unsafe”. And I don’t mean slow. It’ll suck going up hills I mean unsafe.
All yours smart guy