Forum Discussion

niftypkg's avatar
Dec 26, 2015

How to drain GW to sewer hose?

Sun Lite TC with rear sewer valve. I want to drain the GW from sink to sewer line near valve and keep the sewer line attached. What is the best method? I don't see any appropriate fitting. Any way to accomplish both?
  • On our Lance the shower was tied into the black tank, I removed that connection and the shower now drains with a hose, this sewer fitting is perfect to drain the shower when connected to sewer.
  • Our Shadow Cruiser had no grey tank. The drain lines from the kitchen and bathroom sink and shower were routed to a single 2" line that in turn ran to the main 3" black drain. That connection was a 3" fitting With a 2" side "y". The black tank knife valve at the top dropping down to where the smaller grey line "y" came into it and the cap on the bottom of the whole thing. One had to be sure to open the garden hose cap on the main 3" fitting cap, or remove the entire 3" end cap and connect the sewer hose to allow the grey water to drain or it backed up into the shower pan. With the garden hose connected it could go into a blue boy or wherever. With the sewer hose connected it would drain wherever the big hose went. That being said, there was no knife valve on the small grey water line to prevent black water invading the grey line when dumping the black tank but that would be a minor fix as those valves are readily available. I fixed the whole issue by disconnecting the small line and routing it with a water fill line to the repurposed blue boy mounted under the truck where the spare tire was previously mounted. We put that up front on the bumper. I added a gate valve on the blue boy to drain it and it is accessible at the left rear fender below the bumper. It rides above the level of the exhaust pipe and rear differential, ample ground clearance. Be happy to send pics via private email as I've never mastered picture posting here.
  • How does that fitting allow you to "drain the GW from sink to sewer line near valve and keep the sewer line attached?"

    The way I interpret your request, you want to be able to drain the gray water into the sewer line (i.e. stinky slinky) while it is attached, presumably to the black drain of the camper.

    This fitting allows you to drain the gray into a dump station.
  • RoyB's avatar
    Explorer II
    You guys are communicating better than me - I'm still trying figure out what a GW is... haha

    Must be my coffee this morning...

    Roy Ken
  • Found it Old-Biscuit. Angled RV Sewer Hose Adapter Thanks just what I needed. That's a relief. Great minds think alike. VV resident also.
  • IF sink drain is via a garden hose........

    Multi tiered sewer fitting simply press fits into sewer outlet for a fast and easy set up.
    Self-threading, twist right onto you RV sewer hose. No hose clamps needed. Two piece design allows hose to remain attached for easy storage. ¾" threaded connector for 2nd gray water tank Drip cap included.