I do have mounting feet so I dont neet to cut alumium angle or anything to make them.
part of the issue is the place I have to mount the panel. I have to put it across the trailer so the long side runs parallel with the rafters and the short end across them. so I cant just move the mounting brackets to where the joist are for the most part. I could probably line the front edge up on a joist but then it would be right up against a vent.
I looked at putting well nuts in but they dont do that great in thin plywood so my next option was to span the rafters with a sub frame of alumium but they were sold out of the squair tube I was going to use. my current option is making a subframe out of 2X4 oak basicly just 5strips of oak long enough to span the three rafters. clue and screw them down then screw the mounting feet of the pannels to the oak.