IBcarguy wrote:
Hauling a heavy cover up a folding 12' ladder is going to be a pain, also trying to crawl onto the domed roof from a ladder sounds a little dangerous. Has anyone come up with a safe, easier way to do this?
That's how I've been doing it for quite a few years now with a number of trailers of different lengths and haven't found it any issue at all. These covers aren't really that heavy and you should be able to easily "walk" the bag it's in up the ladder ahead of you to the roof. Once on the roof unroll the cover from front to back and feed the sidewall material over the sides ... it does help then to have an assistant on the ground who can dress the cover down around the walls and make sure it's aligned properly. If there's anything time consuming about the process it's having to first pad any sharp corners before installing the cover ... that takes me more time that actually installing the cover itself. Nonetheless, I only do this for winter storage and wouldn't want to go through this routine during the camping season - WAY too much work for me! ;)