phil-t wrote:
I have been doing this once/year (5 to 10k miles) for 7 years - no issues, good tires and they will age out, not wear out.
You do which? You follow the manual and only switch the same positions side to side?
Lwiddis wrote:
Every vehicle owner’s manual I’ve ever seen discusses tire rotation and how to rotate tires on that vehicle. Does your manual discuss the manufacturer’s recommendation?
Yes. As I discussed in my original post the manual says to rotate the same positions only side to side. But my question came from what the service manager said at the tire place where I had the tires replaced. He said that they rotate back to front (he said that they do it every day) and if I had done that I would have gotten more life from the tires.
It makes sense to me that only switching the same positions side to side, as the manual says, is of limited value because with every other tire rotation the tires will end up in exactly the same place they started.
I’m still unclear. I suppose when in doubt it is probably best to follow what the manual says. Yes the front tires may wear out faster than the back tires but maybe that is just how it goes.
The guy at the tire place told me that I needed to replace all 6 tires even though it was only the front tires showing wear. He said that on a dually you need to replace all tires at once. I told this to someone in a campground who said it is completely untrue. Maybe there is concern about matching the 4 rear tires, but he said the front tires can be replaced independent of the back tires.
So maybe follow the manual and if the front tires wear out sooner I can replace only the front tires. Opinions?