I am the original poster.
I got the truck back from service today, so it is already a done deal. I decided to follow the manual and do side to side rotation only. Dealer charged me $100 to rotate the 6 tires.
Some good advice in the responses.
Someone asked, is it worth the cost to pay someone to rotate? Will you get the $ back in tire life? Tires may age out before needing to be changed anyway. Good point.
Or if the front tires wear out before the rears I can replace only 2 tires not 6 tires. The responses have confirmed that the tire guy (see my original post) was a sales job saying I couldn’t replace only the front tires. But I don’t regret replacing all 6 because I was running the original Nexen tires. Replaced with quality Michelins (had to argue with the tire store about this he wanted to sell me his cheap value brand) and the difference in handling was immediately obvious. But now that I have the tires that I want, if I need to replace only the front in the future I can buy 2 new Michelins.
I am concluding it is extreme what the RAM manual says to rotate with every oil change (which is 8,000 miles). But in this case actually it was 14,000 miles since I got the new tires and this is the first rotation. I don’t regret doing it. Maybe a good idea to do at least one rotation on brand new tires. But I'm not sure if I will continue to pay to rotate the back tires. For sure not every 8,000 miles. But it might be worth still rotating the front tires once in a while since the cost should be minimal.
From the responses. I am thinking rotating back to front might be risky because you can end up with uneven tires on the dually rears. In other words, the manual may be correct. But I know some responses don’t agree and do rotate back to front.
People saying it isn’t worth rotating the rear tires because they will last long enough without it make sense.
Thank you for all the responses!