work2much wrote:
Thanks for the info. Too tall for my basement, but possibly could be mounted in the cabinet where some people put the fireplace. I was going to mount a Victron solar charger there. I wonder how much heat and noise it generates when it's working hard.
I believe you can mount it horizontally as well. Max efficiency is over 90% and they are usually near max when heavily loaded. 2000 watts conversion means you will get 220 watts heat rejection at max load. A small cabinet would have to be ventilated. Usually that kind of load is very low duration though, like a microwave for 5 minutes. I don't know what Victron does, but Mastervolt has a cooling fan that only comes on when needed and runs only as fast as needed. These are high frequency switchers, so they do not hum. If you have a Victron solar charger, they whole thing can be connected to one remote control.
The Multiplus is also the battery charger and has a unique feature: it can boost the incoming AC for loads that are over what the line can carry, using the inverter function. The only use for this I can think of in a TC is the ability to start an air conditioner on a much smaller cord or genset.