Forum Discussion

Justinb's avatar
May 17, 2015

How to work/ use a furnace

I have a outback 27rdrs I see we have a furnace and exhaust as well as vents on the floor. We have no thermostat just dials on the AC unit to control the AC but I see no way to use the furnace.

I see some have a digital remote is there any what to tell if that's what I need and replace it?

Thanks Justin
  • The AC unit looks very basic can't believe it would have a remote but I do see a hulster on the wall. We live in flordia so rarely need the furnace but would be nice any way to over ride remote?

  • Per Keystone:

    Heat only wall t-stat, but could have AC/Heat wall t-stat OR no wall t-stat and only a 'remote'

    Generic Owners Manual

    So looks like you need a Keystone customer service with your trailer VIN and info. They should be able to tell you what you need, if available, part number etc.
    Then you will have to go thru an 'authorized dealer' to get part as Keystone does not sell to public.

    Customer Service

    Good luck.....

    I would just prefer a wall t-stat!!!!
  • In many cases the wall thermostat is setup to work both units. Is there a Heat/Cool slider switch on the T-Stat?
  • There's a wall thermostat somewhere in there, as it needs to sense the air temp and switch things on and off.

    Did you buy the camper used, sight unseen? Have the previous owner / dealer demo the furnace for you.