SidecarFlip wrote:
camp-n-family wrote:
ScottG wrote:
My SIL bought a $500 older Focus that had been a company car for two different companys. I could see it had been wrecked and repaired several times.
It had some minor stuff wrong with it (motor mounts, leaking T-stat housinge etc.) along with a busted mirror and a few other little things. It was super easy and cheap to repair. At 150K, it ran perfectly, didn't smoke or use oil.
I was very impressed with it. No Honda or Toyota would do better I think.
Guess you’ve never owned a Honda or Toyota. At 150k they’d be just getting broken in. My last Honda with 190k miles was all original apart from brakes when I traded it. Our last Toyota needed nothing but a battery and power steering line and that was at 240k.
You can keep your rice-a-roni junk. I support American Unionized autoworkers.
Where is your Trumph motorcycle build in Mich.