Forum Discussion

kfx216's avatar
Nov 02, 2014

I assume I should pass on this PUP...

I'm in the market for another PUP after selling my old one, a 2004 Rockwood Forest River HW2516G with a slideout, that was just too big and heavy for me to feel comfortable pulling in my Honda Odyssey with 2 small kids.

I REALLY want a lighter PUP with a toilet/shower and gray water tank. I found a 1995 Jayco Deluxe 1206 a few hours away from me. The woman said that the only problem is when it's closed it gets wet on one side (curtain only) but not when it's open, and they can't find the problem.

I assume I should avoid this and not bother making the 4 hour round trip to look at it. The price is $2200. Any suggestions from those who know more about these things than I do?

  • pups and hybrids were made with front decks in the 2000's. Some still are made. My favorite htt models were the starcraft w front decks. A cool KZ rockclimber HTT is out there too.
  • I think when you see the actual weight, with all the options like bathroom and waste storage systems, the Jayco 1206 is not going to come out much lighter than your highwall. Briefly, 2013 I think, Jayco did a slideout dinette version of the lighter Jayco Sport, one model having a bathroom, one model not. About 500 pounds lighter than the regular Jay Series with similar layout.
  • A little ot,
    But just have to ask. Nice looking PUP.

    Did it come with that deck space upfront or did you DIY it?
    Pretty slick looking!
  • Thanks, all. Given the distance and I don't know enough of what to look for (plus I missed a lot when I bought my last PUP), I think I'll pass, especially because I won't have a garage to store it in for 6-9 months. Appreciate all the input and so quickly!!
  • When closed, the side panels & curtains would be laying on top of the beds, above the area where the roof seals to the sides. If there is a roof vent near the curtain area that she is speaking of, I'd look there for a possible leak. When open, look at the ceiling area directly above the curtain. If there is a ceiling seam in that area, a minor leak would exit that seam onto the curtain.

    Is there an air conditioner on the roof ?
  • RoyB's avatar
    Explorer II
    With everything tucked in when the roof is latched there really isn't anything there to leak around the roof edge seal.

    This leaves the air conditioner if installed or the fantastic fan if installed roof leaks???

    Maybe the roof doesn't come down level all the way around it. Might need a roof raise bar alignment... My roof has a half-inch lip that goes over the bottom sides when in the down position. No way that would leak on your unless warped out of shape. My four roof latches are spring loaded and snapped into place held with a lock lasp. You can see the lock lasp here in the photo to the left of the running light and the word STARCRAFT... One of each of the roof corners...

    There is a weather seal associated with the main access door. This was a leak I had a problem with on mine where water would get inside around the bottom seal of the side access door and accumulated on the floor on the inside.

    I also had weather and bugs problem with a poor designed seal that goes between the pulled out tent bed wood floor and the solid end walls of the trailer on both ends. When pulled out you could bend over and see daylight thru the seals. This seal is just behind the aluminum strip you see here between the tent bed and back wall.

    I fixed that with a better design rubber seal like this cut and glued on the top of the inside end wall under the tent bed wood platform.

    Roy Ken
  • I'd take a look at least. Water getting in only when it's closed up is odd. Did she say that happened when it was sitting still, or is it possible that's just when underway? If the latter, it could just be rain blow-by forcing its way in.
  • I would make the drive and see it in person.
    It's possible they're missing something that is causing the leak.
    Look and decide for yourself if it will be a problem.
  • sounds like you will spend all your time correcting their problem than camping with it.