Two things.
1, I totally agree with Tystevens. Get a one tonner to tow with if you can find a way to transport your family. Getting a four door is an option. and store it or have it available for someone in the family to drive.
2. Watch out for those dry weights. I wouldn't even consider them. You have to figure everything in addition to the dry weight, including water, sewage, propane, slides, anything extra added to the trailer, just to mention a few. I would go by the GVWR because you WILL find yourself at/close to/over it by the time you figure everything you are going to want to put in that trailer. So, I would figure out what my TV could tow, then look for a TT a couple thousand lbs. GVWR above that figure. Also, you gotta figure the amount of weight going into the tow vehicle. People, fuel, things, cargo, etc. All of the weight in the TV and TT has to be deducted from the GVWR and CGVWR of the TV to be safe.
Sounds tough, but in the long run, you will be much better off.