donn0128 wrote:
Keep the Suburban and buy a tent trailer
I agree with this suggestion, the idea is to get out there and have fun with the family and not bankrupt yourselves. You can supplement the tent camper with several dome tents for the kids. Of if you have already been camping you can uses the gear you already have. Watch closely what kind of gear you buy and get only what you need. Stick with light weight cook ware, plastic plates, glasses and cups—think light. Also you will probably be camping near civilization so you don’t need to carry all your supplies from the start carry maybe a days or two's worth of snacks and go in to get what food, drinks and other supplies once setup.
The biggest detriment to the real camping experience are flat screen TVs, IPODS, cell phones, laptops, WIFI, etc. and all the stuff we carry we think we can not live without. I know I am guilty too.