Have you used it yet? You might as well give it a spin before you take a hit and trade it in.
When we bought we had decided on a 21 ft we thought would be perfect. By the time we decided it had sold so we took a 25 ft with bunks even though we have no kids. As we waited for the trailer to be ready and even into our first trip I listened to Honey complain that the trailer was too big, we didn't need the bunks, it was going to tear up the truck, etc.
Funny thing is after a week into the trip it started to rain and we were stuck inside a few days. Honeys grip went from it's too big to it's too small. We should have gotten slides, we need more storage, bigger tanks and more comfy furniture.
The roads, trails and ruts we use to get to the boondocking spots are tighter than any campground I've been in. I'm sure there are gas stations out there I can not navigate but if I absolutely had to gas up, I'd drop the trailer and then do it.