Why are you are regretting?
Not comfortable maneuvering it?
Too hard to back in?
Too heavy?
Bad MPG when towing?
Don't like the slides?
Wrong color?
I have a 22 foot trailer. A little shorter than yours. Its taken me almost 2 years to get good at backing the trailer in. It used to take me several tries. Now I can usually get it on the first try. If you are not feeling comfortable backing, might I suggest more practice in a very open parking lot? (nothing to hit!) This will give you the opportunity to experiment with backing, and discover how turning while backing affects the trailer.
I did something similar when I learned to drive stick. I understood the concept of shifting, but going from stopped to first gear was the hardest thing for me. Once I was moving, I could shift all day perfectly (yay for roundabouts!). I was on a trip with a rented manual car. I spent about 40 minutes in a parking lot several days into the trip, practicing starts & stops. After that, I was perfectly comfortable driving, starting, stopping, and going again.
Most things require practice before we are truly good at them. I still forget things. Like this weekend. I left the cheater bar for the weight distributing hitch on the bumper of the truck. Drove home 300 miles. Fortunately, it was still there when I got home.