Our dealer is completely using the warranty exclusion from the manufacturer (KZ) incorrectly. The lady from the service dept. was waving the warranty at me and had the specific clause highlighted in yellow which says:
Excluded from coverage are: (1) items added, changed, or modified after the unit left the possession of KZRV.
Note that it says "items" and not the entire TT. The dealer is simply trying to use this as an excuse to prevent us from getting further warranty work done. I've done nothing that would affect the TT as far as the warranty goes. Will definitely be talking to the factory this week.
I would expect other manufacturers have a similar clause and suggest that you be aware of the wording in case you ever encounter the same situation we have. I recall someone posting within the last year that a manufacturer cannot refuse warranty work due to mods and referred to a particular federal act but have no idea what it's called.